Explore. Create. Advocate.
Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
Mr. Blythe was concerned that his 9th Grade class of IEP* learners were having a hard time engaging with online learning (really who wasn't?!). Rockstar Librarian Marcia Melkonian and The Friends of the Canoga Park Library reached out to Connectopod because engagement is our game! Mr. Blythe shared his curriculum and together we came up with the idea to have them narrate Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell Tale Heart." The crazed narrator provided the perfect vehicle for the class to become an ensemble of different personalities in his murderous head. Betsy Foldes Meiman directed the piece as if it were a take on Batman's Joker or popular video game homicidal maniacs, some of which she has voiced. The class took up the challenge and dug deep into the text, ingesting and performing Poe's words with deep understanding. Language and literacy barriers were smashed. The shy became killers, and of course Mr. Blythe himself, the poor victim. Recorded remotely by Betsy over zoom over a week's time, the edited files were given to professional sound designer Eric Willhelm who then created an eerie and ever more stressful atmosphere driving the story to its explosive conclusion.
We had so much fun with this class and are grateful for their hard work and the joyful spirit with which they took to learning through art. We think they will never forget The Tell Tale Heart!
*Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) is a plan or program developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives specialized instruction and related services.
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Formerly homeless Bianca Palmer is now a medical professional. Music helped her cope through the tough times she related in her interview. So when it came time to do her episode, it was an easy choice of subject matter for her. Here she interviews two fellow TAY (Transitional Age Youth) who have reclaimed their lives with the resources of the Village Family Services drop-in center.
Connectopod music producer and professional musician Joe Foldes helped Gayle Alvarez complete her brother DJ's last song left unfinished before his suicide. "Find me Next to You" is a gift of love.
Phillip Hargo processed the challenge that was this last year through his hip hop piece '2020.'
You can feel the energy and determination as we move into a new beginning!
Thank You to our professional musician mentors Joe Foldes who transcribed, played, and mixed DJ's "Find Me Next to You," as well as the entire episode, and Kevin Stevens who ran our recording session and drummed on "Find Me Next to You"
If you are struggling with homelessness tap the DiC.
6801 Coldwater Canyon Avenue
North Hollywood, CA 91605Phone: (818) 755-8786
Produced by Betsy Foldes Meiman
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Today you’ll meet Bianca. She is truly a kid you would never have expected to be homeless. She excelled in high school, participating in ROTC, trekking across the San Fernando Valley every day to attend El Camino, a school she advocated to get into on her own. She got good grades, and participated in extracurriculars. And she was doing it all on her own. But what she thought was support in a new romance, became the undertow that brought her down. But not for the count.
If you need a place to turn to help you prevent homelessness or help you if you are experiencing homelessness go to The Valley Family Services
Produced: Betsy Foldes Meiman
Theme Song 'True' by Haunted Horses NYC
Sound Engineering: Joe Foldes
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
We continue the Stories of the TAY* with Christopher Martin. Healing your life from childhood trauma takes a strong person, and what if you have to navigate the world with social anxiety as well? Christopher is on his way to stability and figuring out how move his life forward by facing his past. We're rooting for you Christopher!
*Transitional Age Youth
If you need a place to turn to help you prevent homelessness or help you if you are experiencing homelessness go to The Valley Family Services
Produced: Betsy Foldes Meiman
Theme Song 'True' by Haunted Horses NYC
Sound Engineering: Joe Foldes
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Big dreams come with big risks. Phillip Hargro grew up comfortably in Indiana with hardworking parents and loving grandparents. He was a part of an active creative arts community.
He came to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. When pre-arranged plans fell through, he was left to figure it out. In his words, he was “humbled” by the challenges that came his way. He could be working on a set in Malibu by day and searching housing the very same night, never letting on about his situation to fellow cast members and employers. He earns money in between dancing on the subway and hustling sales jobs. He utilizes the resources at The Village Family Services. Committed to his dream, he creates his own opportunities. Here are a beautiful dance number, his recent actor reel , and two shorts- Ambition ( about homelessness) and Conflict of Interest ( a thriller set in the BLM movement). And there's a pilot shot in Atlanta that we can’t tell you about yet. It’s been a long humbling journey since 2017, but Phillip’s determination is starting to pay off.
If you need a place to turn to help you prevent homelessness or help you if you are experiencing homelessness go to The Valley Family Services
Produced: Betsy Foldes Meiman
Theme Song 'True' by Haunted Horses NYC
Sound Engineering: Joe Foldes
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
At our zoom holiday party last night, The great Gabe Evans, Connectopod collaborator, friend, and one of our professional media mentors for Changing the Narrative shared his holiday creation. So for a Christmas, Chanukah and Festivus gift we present:
The Greatest Christmas Story Ever Told Part 1: The Siege (follow link for the rest!)
The world's number 2 toy factory in the world is trying to take out Santa.
Hilarious fun for the whole family!
Happy Holidays! Peace, Joy, and Love to you all. -Love Connectopod, The TAY, and The Village Family Services drop in center
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
You never know when rain will come....Mathew Contreras was an employment specialist at The Village Family Services drop-in center for homeless youth. Always a high achiever, Matthew was able to hide his drug use and mental health issues while working and attending college until he wasn’t. To move forward, he needed to deal with what was holding him back. Matthew knew he could turn to The Village with no judgment upon him during his most vulnerable time. The services they provide help people experiencing homelessness, but even more importantly can prevent homelessness altogether. Out and proud, and graduating from CSUN this spring, Matthew has begun to build the life he is envisioning which includes being an advocate for LGBTQ issues.
If you need a place to turn to help you prevent homelessness or help you if you are experiencing homelessness go to The Valley Family Services
Produced: Betsy Foldes Meiman
Theme Song 'True' by Haunted Horses NYC
Sound Engineering: Joe Foldes
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
You may remember Gayle Alvarez from such hits as the Changing the Narrative Unhoused Youth Gayle episode a few weeks back. Or maybe you've had her help at The Village Family Services drop-in center for homeless youth in North Hollywood. Either way, Gayle is a social justice hero. She's come through her own trauma from using the DiC services to providing them as an employment specialist there. Her personal experience drives her to support other TAY (transitional age youth) experiencing or in danger of experiencing homelessness. Gayle chose podcast journalism to convey the impact of mental health on homelessness. With the help of her mentor, recent USC Grad Student and independent journalist Natalie Reddington, Gayle brings you facts, resources, and encouragement.
Gayle is also an artist. This is her work.
Gayle in action recording her podcast episode
And that's Natalie on the right, working.
You can contact Gayle Alvarez if you are in need, or would like to give time, talents, or treasure at The Valley Family Services 818-738-7327
Produced: Betsy Foldes Meiman
Theme Song 'True' by Haunted Horses NYC
Sound Engineering: Joe Foldes
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Daniel Estrada emanates gentle intelligence that is hard to imagine exposed to cruelty and neglect. He and his six siblings were taken from an abusive home and filtered separately through the foster care system. He lived in 10 homes over 8 years, to finally be adopted at 17. With the help of his foster moms, he made it all the way to Cal Poly only to crumble under the weight of PTSD and depression. He ended up alone on the streets. But Daniel’s story is not done. His vivid imagination has always been a refuge. He is a talented writer drawing on his pain, but reshaping the events into expressive entertaining escapes. Find out how he is finding his way back, with the help of the DiC (Drop-in Center) at The Village Family Services in North Hollywood.
Produced: Betsy Foldes Meiman
Theme Song 'True' by Haunted Horses NYC
Sound Engineering: Joe Foldes
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Lupe Cerda’s story starts with the promise of new beginnings in a new country. Her family, a family with strong bonds, took a leap of faith to build a better future. But life isn’t always fair, and the loss of her mother to cancer soon after arrival, set her on a different, much harder path.
With her father unavailable as he struggles to provide, a brother lost to his own challenges, and other traumatic events that isolate her emotionally, Lupe is left on her own to deal with the pain of grief, coming out in a traditionally conservative family, and surrendering to the call of addiction. When homelessness, addiction, and abuse, made Lupe tougher than she ever had to be, she did the bravest thing of all. She allowed herself to be vulnerable. She sought help. In recovery, housed, employed, and repairing her relationships, Lupe shares her story.
The brightest rainbows come after the worst storms.
We wish all the best to Lupe and her dad as they rebuild their relationship.
If you need help, start here: The Village Family Services Drop-in Center for homeless youth. No questions asked, they will help you.
This episode also features fellow DiC TAY (Transitional Age Youth) Gayle Alvarez, and counselor Alejandro Soria.
Learn more about Changing the Narrative at Connectopod.net
Produced by Betsy Foldes Meiman
Sound Engineered by Joe Foldes
Theme Song 'True' by Haunted Horses NYC